Hobbycon, one of Sabah acg convention which held once a year. This year, it's their 5th year and Hobbycon was held in Suria Sabah mall, Kota Kinabalu.
Each year, its getting bigger and fantastic. Which this year, is the best.. for me lahh, i dunno about the other visitor. XD
This year, more booth and more stage activity added to their list. Such as All-Star cosplay march, Anime Quiz, Rubic contest, 4 koma contest and etc.
One of the highlight of this year event was the special guest. This special guest is from Japan. She an idol, a singer and a voice actor..
She is, miss Aimi Terakawa! The voice actor of Suiko from anime Cardfight!! Vandguard.
She perform on both days. Also, she had a sign session and a gunslinger session with her.
On day 1, i didnt had the chance to go see the stage performance, the All-Star march and all the cosplayer as i was busy at the Bushiroad booth giving tutorial on playing Japanese TCG, Cardfight!! Vanguard.
I teach almost 20 people the whole day. Screaming my voice out to win over the loud speaker that happening on the stage.
Around 2.00pm, the autograph session with miss Aimi Terakawa start. There were alot of people lining up. Most of them are the fan of the anime Cardfight!! Vanguard and player of the cardgame.

I had 2 of my favorite PR Weiss Schwarz sign by miss Aimi Terakawa.
My Haruhi and Idol m@aster PR card
(sorry, at this point. No taking picture is allowed due to their policies.)
After the sign session, is the gunsling with miss Aimi Terakawa. A card duel 1 on 1 with her. Only 1 person will be choose to play with her. The lucky person is choosen by doing a Jan Ken Pon with her. The winner can play with her.. and im not that lucky person. Orz
The first game is Weiss Schwarz. Only Trial Deck can be use, because miss Aimi use Trial Deck also. She have Fate/Zero deck, Guilty Crown deck, Persona 4 deck and Milky Holmes deck.
The lucky person was one of my friend. He use a Bakemonogatari upgrade deck while miss Aimi use
Guilty Crown (if im not mistaken here)
The 2nd game is Cardfight!! Vanguard duel. But, only English Starter Deck can be use. Because miss Aimi also using an English Starter Deck.
On that day, only one person have the English Starter Deck. Because he bought it at that time!
The last game, is also a Cardfight!! Vanguard. But, its an open to deck. The challenger can use his/her own upgrade deck. And miss Aimi use her very own deck.
After the gunsling session is the lucky draw.. well, not actually a draw ballot of the box. Just a Jan Ken Pon with miss Aimi. The giveaway is some Bushiroad Wrestling t-shirt, Milky Holmes t-shirt and a sign deck box by miss Aimi.
At this time, i didnt realise that the stage event had ended. After the session with miss Aimi end, its was our turn to get her sign. Since we didnt line up during the autograph session. When she leave the booth, i say to her "arigatogozaimas" to her. And she reply back at me with a beautiful smile. At that time, my heart beat was beating fast for few second.. <3 Finally, i got the chance to walk around to see. But, at that time all the cosplayer already leave only the booth are still open. I went around and take some picture of it. Rigzone had a demo of MW3
Revo toys booth
Kktoys booth
Bushiroad and Moe House booth. This is where i spend my time for the whole day
Kawaii Madness booth
Hobby Kingdom booth
CK paint shop
Carcasean cafe booth
DK Fashion House booth
TacTic booth
Warhammer booth
Doujin section
At the TDD table, they held a comic strip contest and i join. All you need to do is draw the ending of a 4 panel comic strip, title 'the magician'
What i submit was kinda...err... Disturbing?? Well, anyway.. i will tell you the result in part 2 of Hobbycon day 2. Coz, that was the last thing i did before i leave the place.
-continue in part 2-
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