4:13 PM

2011 first post

ohai.. it's been faaaaaaaaarr waaaaaaaaaay tooooooooooooo long i haven't update this blog.

no, it's not that im busy.. and no, it's not that im lazy *look other way*

it's just.... actually.... i err- i- i for- I FORGOT MY PASSWORD! I FORGOT HOW TO UPDATE MY BLOG POST!

*run away crying in shame*

P.S. : btw, about my last post here.. the Jubeat post.. it's actually not a real Jubeat.. it's a fake.. orz
P.P.S. : Happy New 2001 Year! how was it, 2011 to you??


bubbleberry said...

bidak hahahahahaahahaha

Clay Kraze said...

err.....apa ni Lolz