Plot Summary: The time is the near future. Cockroaches and other household pests have become immune to all forms of insecticides. In response to this crisis, a Japanese company has created small, doll-like insect exterminating robots called Hoi Hoi-san.
A competing company has also released their own version, Combat-san. Because of their adorable appearance, these little robots have become somewhat of a phenomenon and have gained many fans. Late at night, in the home of one such fan, Hoi Hoi-san and Combat-san search for insects to exterminate... but Combat-san is not above trying to exterminate Hoi Hoi-san while she's at it.
A competing company has also released their own version, Combat-san. Because of their adorable appearance, these little robots have become somewhat of a phenomenon and have gained many fans. Late at night, in the home of one such fan, Hoi Hoi-san and Combat-san search for insects to exterminate... but Combat-san is not above trying to exterminate Hoi Hoi-san while she's at it.
Source ANN
1/1 scale figure of “HoiHoi-san” from Ichigeki Sacchu!! HoiHoi-san by Kotobukiya. The figure is scheduled for September 2009
Item name : ID-3 HoiHoi-san (Plastic model)
Manufacturer : Kotobukiya
Scale : 1/1 (10.5cm)
Producer : Okito Misono , Masanori Aoki
Original : Ichigeki Sacchu!! HoiHoi-san Legacy
Release Date : Sep 09
Recommended Price: 3,150YEN
I saw this, though I think some part of it is cute, ada sikit er weird also
by weird, u mean the face ka?? but, since it's cute.. im gonna get one! XD
Woah! She is sooooo Kawaii!
I really want one robot like her to kill the roaches in my house! XD
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